There were 50 eel samples of Anguilla bicolor that can be used for genetic analysis in Bengkulu. In Central Sulawesi, 50 samples were obtained in the form of elver from the Palu region, 2 samples of yellow eels and glass eel samples from two different locations from Poso. 50 samples from Palu can be ascertained as Anguilla bicolor type, but 2 samples of yellow eel from Poso which is allegedly initially Anguilla bicolor but after further identification it is not Anguilla bicolor. While glass eel samples from Poso that have been in sort need further identification by using a microscope to minimize errors. The DNA analysis is being done by extracting the 50 samples from both locations. Thereafter, the results of the stock structure will be used as inputs to the Indonesia’s monitoring, control and surveillance network for formulation of a joint management plan for the sustainable fisheries of Anguilla bicolor in Indonesia.