SEAFDEC/IFRDMD socializations the establishment of SPEECTRA
SEAFDEC/IFRDMD and Research Institute for Inland Fisheries and Extension (RIIFE) socialized the SPEECTRA (Special Area for Conservation and Fish Refugia) to public on 17 October 2020 at Patratani, Muara Enim, South Sumatra. This activity was attended by SEAFDEC Alternate Council Director for Indonesia/Director General of the Agency of Marine and Fisheries and Human Resources Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), the acting regent of Muara Enim Regency, Director of Research Center for Fisheries MMAF, Head of South Sumatra Department of Fisheries, regional officer and experts from Agencies in South Sumatra and MMAF, local fishers, staff from RIIFE and IFRDMD. Prof. Sjaried Widjaja expressed his gratitude for the establishment of SPEECTRA. He expected that this installation would become the South Sumatra fisheries park in the future.
SPEECTRA is located in Patra Tani, Muara Enim. This area is a marginal floodplain, which has been modified by RIIFE and IFRDMD. The modification was used as a pilot model for flood plain fisheries management. SPEECTRA is an artificial rehabilitation ecosystem model in floodplain area which looks like lebung/pool functioning as protection or fishery sanctuary area. Now, there are three SPEECTRA with total 4 ha. The composition of fish in the first year of SPEECTRA consists of Sepat Siam (Trichogaster pectoralis), Sepat Rawa (Trichogaster trichopterus), Gabus (Channa striata), Betok (Anabas testudineus), Tambakan (Helostoma temminckii), Lele (Clarias spp.), and Sepatung (Peristolepis fasciatus).
During the socialization, the invitees conducted some activities i.e. catching fish in SPEECTRA 1, fish stocking in SPEECTRA 2, and planting Ketapang and Meranti trees in surrounding of SPEECTRA 3. Lastly, H. Juarsah, SH, as the acting regent of Muara Enim regency hoped that the establishment of SPEECTRA could increase the income and protein needs for the peop
le of South Sumatra.