Research to asses the fishery management based on the ecosystem was conducted in Kapuas River and its branch, Kuala Kapuas, Central Kalimantan on 1 to 5 May 2019. The research was carried out with the collaboration between researchers of SEAFDEC/ IFRDMD and researcher of Research Institute for Inland Fisheries and Extension (RIIFE), Dr. Takuro Shibuno, Dr. Dina Muthmainnah, Mr. Taufiq Hidayah, and Mr. Albertus Victor Jaka Pratama. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) field officer, Mr. Yulius Saden, and Secretary of Fishery Service Office of Kuala Kapuas District, Mr. Mirayani, guided the team in visiting the site. The data was collected by holding the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with the stakeholders such as fishers, the village head, indigeneous community leader, and community leader of Mangkatip River, Dadahup District. Focus Group Discussion was organized in Dadahup district. The discussion was conducted smoothly. There were 16 stakeholders attended the program, and actively gave the information, suggestion, and wishes regarding the sustainability of fish biodiversity and ecosystem. They also informed about the local wisdom since they are the Dayak heredity that has Dayak Law to arrange all activities including the fishery activities.
The team also collected the data and information from Fishery Service Office of Kuala Kapuas District, and other relevant Institutes. Besides collecting the data and information from the officers, the team took the water sample to get the present water quality of Kapuas River.
On the last day, the team visited Lambung Mangkurat University and received by the Dean of Fishery Faculty, Mr. Pahmi Ansyari. The Dean gave valuable information regarding the fisheries management based on the ecosystem approach and also the aquaculture activities to develop the native species in the area.
Finally, the team could have the same perception on assessing the Kapuas river.