Features of Inland Fisheries in Myanmar

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Myanmar presented by Mr. Aroef Hukmanan Rais https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138323459710874/1138322819710938/

Features of Inland Fisheries in Malaysia

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Malaysia presented by Mr. Khoirul Fatah https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138334673043086/1138332303043323/

Features of Inland Fisheries in Indonesia

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Indonesia presented by Mr. Siswanta Kaban https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138329593043594/1138328673043686/

Features of Inland Fisheries in Thailand

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Thailand presented by Mr. Freddy Supriyadi https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138990876310799/1138990236310863/

Features of Inland Fisheries in Lao PDR

Promotion of responsible utilization of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia - Features of Inland Fisheries in Lao PDR presented by Mr. Aroef Hukmanan Rais https://www.facebook.com/IFRDMD/photos/pcb.1138317669711453/1138317043044849/