IFRDMD officers become the resource persons in some webinars

IFRDMD Officers, Dr. Safran Makmur, Ms. Diana Luspa, and Dr. Dina Muthmainnah were invited as the resource persons in some webinars in July 2020. The webinars were held during the Covid-19 pandemic as government policy that some people…

IFRDMD Monthly Meeting

IFRDMD held a routine meeting every month for its staff to talk about progress activity and share their ideas or opinions with others. On 2 July 2020, the meeting was held using the zoom meeting application. The meeting was opened by Chief,…

The Webinar for writing the scientific paper

Indonesian Fisheries Extension Worker Organization of Bengkulu Province held a webinar on 12 June 2020. The theme of the webinar was a technic to write the scientific paper. Thereafter, on 17 June 2020, the Indonesian Fisheries Extension…

IFRDMD Skype Meeting

May 26, 2020, SEAFDEC Secretariat held the Skype Meeting for the eel project for catch survey. The participants came from SEAFDEC Secretariat, IFRDMD, Tumsat, and JANUS. The persons in charge of the project presented some information and…

Common Snakehead (Channa striata)

Common snakehead has a wide distribution from South Asia, Southern China to Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the local names of this fish are bocek (Riau), aruan, haruan (Melayu), kocolan (Betawi), bogo (Sunda), bayong,…