IFRDMD staff is invited as a speaker on the Regional Workshop in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand
SEAFDEC/Training Department held a Regional Workshop on Facilitating Fisheries Activity Information Gathering Through Introduction of Community-based Resources Management/Co-management in Southeast Asian Region, on 22-24 October 2019 in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand. The objectives of this activity was to review the implementation of CBRM/Co-management project/approach in coastal and inland small-scale fisheries in SEAFDEC Member Countries; to synthesize the lessons learned including problems and challenges of CBRM/Co-management approach in coastal and inland small-scale fisheries at national level for improving the fisheries information gathering; and to discuss on the key factors for successful fisheries information gathering by CBRM/Co-management approach.

SEAFDEC Secretary-General, Ms. Malinee Smithrithee, opened the training. She mentioned that the regional training was organized to review and summarize the project implementation, including the lessons learned with Member Countries for improving the fisheries data and information gathering. Moreover, the Member Countries had the opportunity to share and provide the approaches or methods to develop the fishery information gathering for coastal and inland small-scale fisheries in their own countries. Dr.Yuttana Theparoonrat was appointed as the chairperson.
The delegation from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam delivered the overview of implementation activities of the CBRM/Co-management approach to develop/improve the fisheries information gathering for coastal and inland small-scale fisheries in each country. They were the senior rank and responsible for small-scale fisheries development for coastal and inland fisheries management, and also the project staff in Cambodia and Khammouane, Lao PDR, and Nam Xouang, Thailand).
Invited speakers, Dr. Tsutom Miyata (Research Center for Fisheries Economics and Business Administration, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Yokohama) and Dr. Dina Muthmainnah (SEAFDEC/IFRDMD) presented the Experience for facilitation of implementation CBRM/Co-management approach in order to develop/improve the fisheries information gathering on coastal and inland fisheries.
The discussion on the problems/challenges and solution ways as well as the key factors to reach the effective means of the CBRM/Co-management approach to develop/improve the fisheries information gathering ran actively and smoothly. The regional training was closed by Mr. Masanami Izumi (SEAFDEC Special Advisor).
The participants were invited to visit Nam Oon Dam, Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand. (#MAL)