Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia

Deputy Chief of SEAFDEC/IFRDMD, Mr. Toru Shimoda, participated in a flag ceremony organized by the Research Institute for Inland Fisheries and Extension (RIIFE), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, to commemorate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia with the theme ‘Nusantara Baru Indonesia Maju.’
The ceremony was held in Palembang on Saturday, 17 August 2024, at 07.00 am. The Head of RIIFE, Mr Rezki Antoni S, acted as the ceremony supervisor.
The event began with the raising of the flag by the Flag Raising Troop team, a symbol of our unity, continued with the recitation of Pancasila by the Ceremony Supervisor, followed by all ceremony participants. The flag ceremony was a united effort, attended by all RIIFE employees and IFRDMD staff.
On this occasion, the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries remarks were delivered by ceremony supervisor, stating that this moment of independence celebration is important to realize the vision of the President of the Republic of Indonesia by encouraging national development in a fair, sustainable, equitable manner for the marine and fisheries sector throughout the archipelago.
On the ceremony, the dedication and service of our long-serving employees were also recoqnized. The honours of 30-year Satyalancana, 20-year Satyalancana, 10-year Satyalancana were given to employees of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries who have reached 30, 20 and 10 years of service. On this occasion, 1 IFRDMD staff who is also a RIIFE employee received the award.

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