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Participants of IFRDMD Workshop Visit Patra Tani

As part of the Decade Achievements of IFRDMD: Workshop on Best Practices in Inland Fisheries Management to Optimize Well-being, held from October 23-24, 2024, participants embarked on a field trip to Swamp Fisheries Installation of Patra…

IFRDMD Awards 2024: Honoring Contributions to Inland Fisheries

In a landmark event celebrating a decade of the SEAFDEC/Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department (IFRDMD), three distinguished individuals were honored with the IFRDMD Awards 2024 for their exceptional contributions to…

Sampling survey of eel catch in Poso River

IFRDMD's eel fishing activities in the Poso River on October 29-3, 2024, have produced significant findings. The team's activities began with setting up fishing gear, measuring water quality at the mouth of the Poso River, and checking for…

IFRDMD commemorates International Literacy Day

On 10 September 2024, the Employees' Wives Association of the Research Institute for Inland Fisheries and Extension, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, held an event to commemorate International Literacy Day, which is celebrated…