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Visitation of IFRDMD Members to AQD

IFRDMD members visited Tigbauan Main Station of AQD on 11-14 July 2018 in connection to SEAFDEC Interagency Coordination Visit. The four members joined the      trip included Chief, Dr. Arif Wibowo, Deputy Chief, Dr. Takuro Shibuno,…

IFRDMD conducts the inland fishery survey in Lao PDR

On 20 - 27 May 2018, the IFRDMD’s researchers conducted a research survey in Nam Xouang, Lao PDR, collaborated with SEAFDEC/Training Department. IFRDMD’s team is represented by Dr. Dina Muthmainnah, Mr. Aroef Hukmanan Rais, and Mr. Khoirul…