SEAFDEC/IFRDMD imparts knowledge to Lampung Fisheries Polytechnic students

SEAFDEC/IFRDMD staff provided knowledge on freshwater fish farming, introduction to eel fisheries, and SPEECTRA to 80 students (60 female and 20 male) of Lampung Fisheries Polytechnic in Kota Agung, Lampung on 15 August 2024.
The IFRDMD team was welcomed by the Academic Service Coordinator of Polytechnic of Fisheries Lampung, Mr. Made Ariana who thanked IFRDMD for its willingness to share knowledge about inland fisheries with good prospects for development. The Chief of IFRDMD, Mr Andi Soesmono, introduced SEAFDEC and IFRDMD, followed by the opening remarks by the Deputy Chief of IFRDMD, Mr Toru Shimoda.
Mr. Kurman, the Principal of Intermediate Fisheries Business School and Vice Coordinator of Lampung Fisheries Polytechnic, closed the event by acknowledging the importance of successful knowledge sharing and expressing hope that this activity could be sustainable to educate future generations.

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