On 29 April to 5 May 2018, the IFRDMD’s researchers conducted a research survey in Tonle Sap Great Lake Cambodia. On that occasion, IFRDMD would like to implement the biological studies on commercially exploited species for reflecting the characteristics at each species and habitat onto the appropriate fisheries management measures. IFRDMD’s team is represented by Dr. Safran Makmur and Mr. Freddy Supriyadi, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ngurah N. Wiadnyana from Center for Fisheries Research, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The researcher collaborated with the pointed person from Fisheries Administration Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Cambodia, Mr. Hem Rady as the local guide for the field survey. The team gathered the statistics data and information regarding the capture inland fisheries in Cambodia. They also observed the actual fish catch monitoring in landing site/fishing ground and interviewed the fishers and trained the enumerator. The enumerator will serve to gather daily data on lenght and other necessary information on fisheries activities.#dina_mth