Ms. Melfa Marini (SEAFDEC/IFRDMD, BRPPUPP) attended 3rd ISTEGA 2019 based on invitation from President of Indonesia Society for Tropical Eels (ISTEs). It is conducted on August 1st-3rd 2019 in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The objectives of this symposium are to recognize previous and ongoing fundamental research on the tropical eels genus Anguilla; to discuss previous finding and progress about spawning ecology, population biology, reproductive physiology, and aquaculture technology in tropical eels genus Anguilla; to build up scientific networking among research institutions, universities, government, and aquaculturists who have worked and have interest in the tropical eels genus Anguilla; to support and facilitate scientific collaborative research on the tropical eels genus Anguilla.
The second day was presentation by keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. E. Feunteun (Professor of Marine Ecology and Fish Migration, France) with the tittle “Conservation ecology of anguillid eels: Concepts, theory and limits”, and other paper presentations “Resource and conservation of tropical anguillid eels in southeast” by Prof. Dr. T. Arai (Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei), “Introduction of the JAIF eel project conducted by SEAFDEC in Southeast Asia” by Mr. Isao Koya (SEAFDEC Secretariat Bangkok, Thailand), “Current status of Japanese eels, Anguilla japonica, stock” by Dr. K. Kaifu (Chuo University, Japan) “Fisheries status and management of Anguilla marmorata in Lasolo, Watershed, North Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia” by Dr. U. K. Pangerang (Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia). Then, it was continued with ISTEs meeting. Based on the meeting, Ms. Melfa Marini as a researcher of Ministry Marine and Fisheries, IFRDMD was declared a member of ISTEs. The last day, all the participants visited Tandano Watershed (DAS Tondaano): Flash back the systematic story of Anguilla ancestralis (Ege, 1939) and its habitat origin (Castle and Williamson, 1974).